Friday, January 19, 2007


For Elizabeth

Naked she stands before the edge of a
waterfall cascading; the blacken clouds
unleash their fury: bolts tearing the sky
apart, roars amplifying the crashing pour,

and raindrops diluting the salty tears;
downward she fearfully gazes to find
foaming and fuming the face of a lake
that is battered by frailty and fear.

Then spreading out her arms, resigned, she dives
and drowns in that chaotic lake, resolved
to give up life in order to live again;

and in her final thoughts she finds the deep
captivating, without captivity –
her bones are with the treasures of the lake.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


For Elizabeth

Newton has taught that force and gravity
exist between all things that take up space:
the heavier one mass is for its surroundings,
the more things would be trapped in paralyzed path;

and doesn't the same law hold for the graver mind,
that heavy thoughts and uncertain desires,
dreams of the past, the present and the future,
revolve around the confused consciousness?

Above the floor lies things freshly unpacked,
each with its meaning and its potential;
each a victim of the gravity of the mind...

Though gravity is a universal fact,
yet look to the floor to reach for the sky,
and may ascending Fortune fall on you.